In the IT566 class, we turn in assignments, or complete challenges through linking to our work in twitter. Hash tags, which from what I can tell, send information to the record keeping places. Really ingenious concept but it is somewhat tedious. I can only imagine what it is like from the administrative side. Pretty neat all in all.
We are supposed to be able to keep track of our points through a link. It works but I am having problems keeping up with assignments.
A page has been set up by our instructor to list the challenges @
This has made it easier but the very first challenge we received is missing. It is here It differs from the Challenge one given later Called so you want to be a system admin here. The content is similar but the required tags were different
It is hard to tell exactly what needs to be in the tweet in order to get a score because the required tags seem to be inconsistent. Some instructions have said to put @it566 and some say to put #it566, I am pretty sure it should be @it566 because this one has occurred more. Some have been #graderpoints, #giterdone points ect.
This is a very innovative method of delivering and taking a class and it is sure to have bugs but it provides potential for the growth of a true learning community that is astounding.
I believe that I am getting the hang of it. I am sure that the instructor is tweaking his system and things will smooth out.
At this point it seems that these are the standards.
Actually I may still be a little confused.
The first assignment, Challenge One - Get in the game, laid out a point system that I am not sure is still in effect. If anyone has any insight on this, I would love this post to have some discussion about it.
Comments Please!
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